القائمة الرئيسية


Exchange Rates Today in Saudi Arabia

The US dollar today in Saudi Arabia against the Saudi riyal on Sunday 27/10/2019
Where the stability of the US dollar against the Saudi riyal this month to continue the state of stability for a significant decline and also without a noticeable rise in the stability of the Saudi market and the Saudi currency market
Where the US dollar recorded one dollar recorded 3.749 Saudi riyals.
Since the Saudi riyal recorded 0.26 cents US dollars
The euro scored against the Saudi riyal
One Euro is equal to 4.155 Saudi Riyals.
For the British pound recorded 4.811 Saudi riyals
The Canadian dollar also recorded 2,872 Saudi riyals to the Canadian dollar
The British pound recorded 2.55 Saudi riyals
The yen was also lower against the Saudi riyal
Exchange rates in Saudi riyal against different currencies
