القائمة الرئيسية


Exchange Rates

Dollar prices jump in banks today, Monday 4-11-2022.. the highest rise in 3 weeks
moanaaa 12 أبريل 2022
The latest currency rates news today Dollar prices today in Egypt have significantly jumped from the prevailing prices yesterday, and prices...
أقراء المزيد
Currency rates on Monday
mozzakzooo 17 فبراير 2020
There is some decrease in the currency rates today 17/2/2020 The drop of the dollar comes against the pound As the dollar’s ​​decline ...
أقراء المزيد
Exchange Rates Today USD Rate Tuesday 29-10-2019
mozzakzooo 19 ديسمبر 2019
Today we monitor the currency rates in Egypt and the price of the green dollar and the state of the Egyptian market and banks Where the ...
أقراء المزيد
Exchange Rates Today in Saudi Arabia
mozzakzooo 19 ديسمبر 2019
The US dollar today in Saudi Arabia against the Saudi riyal on Sunday 27/10/2019 Where the stability of the US dollar against the Saudi ...
أقراء المزيد
Exchange rates on Saturday
mozzakzooo 19 ديسمبر 2019
The exchange rate for the day 26/10/2019 in Egypt on Saturday After floating the pound and closing the black market in Egypt, banks are ...
أقراء المزيد