القائمة الرئيسية


The price of a gram of gold today in Egypt 20/12/2019

Welcome, followers of the latest news site for currencies, dollar and euro prices, gold prices and stock market news
Today we review with you the latest gold price news on Friday 20/12/2019
Where the gold market in Egypt today witnessed a slight decline compared to the previous days and yesterday
As prices were expected to stabilize in Friday's trading
However, the market witnessed a significant decrease, but a decrease in the price of gold
Where he recorded the price of a gram of 24 carat gold
He recorded 752 pounds per gram
Also, record the price of a gram of 21-carat gold
Record 658 pounds per gram.
He recorded the price of a gram of 18 carat gold
564 pounds per gram
The price of the golden pound was recorded in Egypt today, Friday 20/12/2019
Register for one pound, the amount of 5 thousand and 273 

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